EMG System
Sensor Pairing
Trigno sensors communicate with a custom wireless protocol
that links each sensor to the active Trigno network This linking
process is known as sensor “pairing”, and is initiated through the
“Pair” command in EMGworks.
1. Turn sensor on by depressing the sensor button.
2. Initiate sensor pairing in software.
When using EMGworks, initiate pairing by right-clicking the
Trigno hardware icon in the system notification area, and select-
ing the appropriate menu item.
Figure 3.
Invoking the Pair command. Right click on the Trigno
icon in the system tray (left) and select the desired channel to
pair to (right).
3. Complete the pairing process by depressing the desired sen-
sor button for a minimum of 3 seconds. Successful pairing will
result in 3 green LED flashes on the sensor, and a confirmation
message in the software.
Figure 4.
Pushing the sensor button to complete the pairing