1 Turn the MODE knob (10)
until the DEHYD light is illumi-
nated and
dd ee hh
is on the dis-
2 Set the time (max 14 hours)
by turning the TIME/TOAST
COLOR (12) knob.
3 Press the START/STOP button
(13). The oven will start the
countdown. At the end of the
set time the control will emit 3
“beeps” and the display will
return to stand-by (showing
the time of the day, if previ-
ously set).
Slot 1
Dehydrating kit
wire rack reversed
Slices of apples, pineapple, pears, peaches or bananas, placed directly on the dehydrator kit, will dry in 8
to 14 hours in the gently circulating warm air. Time will depend on the moisture in the fruit. Herbs can also
be dried. However, the limited quantity of vegetables that can be dried at one time may not be worth your
time and attention. Consult a book on dehydrating food for specific directions as to times, temperature, pre-
treatment and storage of dried foods.
Prepare food and use the dehydrating kit as follows:
insert wire rack (
) in the slot 1;
put the dehydrator kit on the wire rack (see figure).