Cause Solution
The appliance is operating in
dehumidification mode (light
on), but the humidity does not
The appliance is operating
in heating mode, but does
not heat the air
•the filter is blocked
•the temperature or humi-
dity in the room are too
•the room is too large
•too many sources of humi-
dity in the room (pots of
boiling water, etc.)
•humidistat set too high
•the room is too large
•the windows are open
•the electric heater protec-
tor has been activated
•thermostat set too low
compared to the ambient
•clean the filter
•in certain conditions, it is
normal for the appliance
not to dehumidify (in these
cases, it is recommended
to heat the environment)
•decrease the humidity set
•close the windows
•to resume operation, swit-
ch the appliance off for a
few minutes, eliminate the
cause of the overheating,
then switch the appliance
back on. If the problem
persists, call the Service
•increase the humidity set
Check the following points before calling your local authorised Service Centre.
Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g
The appliance does not
work for around 3 minutes
when restarted
•the appliance’s safety devi-
ce has been activated
•wait for 3 minutes to pass
The display shows “
•the tank is not fitted
•the tank is full
•the tank is positioned incor-
•fit the tank
•empty the tank
•position the tank correctly
The display shows “
•the temperature in the room
is too low
•increase the ambient tem-
perature, even slightly
The display shows “
•one of the sensors on the
appliance is faulty
•call the Service Centre
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