OWER LEVEL” button
Used to select the power level (MIN/MAX).
ygrometer/thermometer button
Used to display, in sequence for 2 secs., the ambient humidity, with a tolerance of +/- 5% (“ ”
light flashing) and the ambient temperature, with a tolerance of +/- 1% (“°C” light flashing).
imer button
Used to set the number of appliance operating hours (maximum 24).
ncrease/decrease humidity/temperature/hours
In dehumidification mode, these buttons are used to adjust the desired humidity level, with 5%
steps, and in heating mode to set the desired temperature; they are also used to set the timer.
Meaning of the codes that may be shown on the display:
1. “
- -
Indicates that the appliance is in Standby mode.
2. “
Indicates that the appliance is operating in TURBO POWER mode.
3. “
Indicates that tank is not fitted, is full or is positioned incorrectly.
4. “
Indicates that the appliance is operating at low temperature. In this mode,
ventilation cycles are alternated with dehumidification cycles to avoid the
formation of frost. For use in particularly cold environments, heating is recom
mended, so as to raise the ambient temperature even by just a few degrees.
This allows the dehumidifier to operate in conditions that improve its perfor
mance and accelerate the dehumidification process.
5. “
Indicates that there may be fault with the probes, or that the ambient
humidity is low.
T h e b u t t o n s
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