FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A R Y 8 / 9 /1 6 - FO R PR O O F O N L Y
Default Configuration
The application creates a default key automatically.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
DSA keys are generated in pairs - one public DSA key and one private DSA
If the device already has DSA keys default or user defined, a warning is
displayed with a prompt to replace the existing keys with new keys.
Erasing the startup configuration or returning to factory defaults automatically
deletes the default keys and they are recreated during device initialization.
This command is not saved in the Running configuration file. However, the keys
generated by this command are saved in a private configuration (which is never
displayed to the user or backed up to another device).
Keys and Certificates
for information on how to display and copy this key
The following example generates a DSA key pair.
crypto key generate dsa
The SSH service is generating a private DSA key.
This may take a few minutes, depending on the key size.
crypto key generate rsa
crypto key generate rsa
Global Configuration mode command generates
RSA key pairs.
crypto key generate rsa