Network Administration: Port Settings
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\gina\Desktop\Checkout_new\Dell Astute\User
D E L L C O N F ID E N T IA L – P R E L IM I N A R Y 8 / 9 /1 6 - FO R PR O O F O N L Y
Aggressive — D
evice shuts down a port if the link is
unidirectional or undetermined.
Bidirectional State
— Bidirectional state for the selected port. The
possible states are:
— The latest UDLD state of the port is in the process
of being determined. Expiration time has not yet expired since
the last determination (if there was one), or since UDLD began
running on the port, so that the state is not yet determined.
—Traffic sent by the local device is received by its
neighbor, and traffic from the neighbor is received by the local
— The state of the link between the port and its
connected port cannot be determined either because no UDLD
message was received or the UDLD message did not contain the
local device ID in it.
— UDLD has been disabled on this port.
— The port has been shut down because its link with
the connected device is unidirectional or undetermined in
aggressive mode.
Number of Neighbors
— Number of connected devices detected.
To modify the UDLD state for a specific port, click its Edit icon and select
the port.
Modify the value of the UDLD state. If you select
, the port
receives the value of the Fiber Port UDLD Default State in the
UDLD Neighbors
To view all devices connected to the local device:
Network Administration > Port Settings >
UDLD Neighbors
The following fields are displayed for all UDLD-enabled ports.
Interface Name
— Name of the local UDLD-enabled port.
Device ID
— ID of the remote device.
Device MAC
— MAC address of the remote device.