Dell SonicPoint ACi Getting Started Guide
Configuring the network interface
Each SonicPoint or group of SonicPoints must be connected to
a physical network interface that is configured in a wireless
zone. SonicOS provides a standard wireless zone (WLAN) which
can be applied to any available interface.
To configure the network interface in SonicOS
1 Navigate to the Network > Interfaces page and click
Configure for the interface to which your SonicPoint is
2 Select WLAN zone for the Zone type.
3 Select Static IP Mode for the Mode/IP Assignment.
4 In the IP Address field, type in any private IP address
that does not interfere with the IP address range of any
other interfaces on the appliance.
5 Enter a Subnet Mask. The default is
6 Use the default settings or select appropriate settings
for the other fields and then click OK.
Figure 7. SonicOS 5.9 interface settings
Figure 8. SonicOS 6.2 interface settings
Allowing Management and User Login to the
appliance from a wireless zone can pose a security
threat, especially if you or your users have not set
strong passwords.