6.6 Blast Groups
The Fonality system contains a feature called “Blast Groups” that allow a call to ring multiple
phones simultaneously. All phones stop ringing as soon as somebody answers the call. You can
configure the system to play music‐on‐hold or ringing to the caller while they wait.
Each Fonality Phone System includes one Blast Group. Additional groups cannot be added. You
can add phones to the blast group on an extension‐by‐extension basis in the Extensions
extensions page in the Fonality Admin Panel. For each extension you want to include in the Blast
Group, edit the extension and enable the ”In Blast Group” option. You can quickly see who is in the
Blast Group on the view extensions page by reviewing the ”Blast” column.
6.7 Conference Bridges
You can use the conference bridge feature from the Call Menu in the Fonality Admin Panel under
the tab labeled ”AutoAnswer”. You can choose to password‐protect these conference bridges
(Enterprise and Call Center only) by adding ”Enter Password to Continue” from the ”Add New
Sequence” menu at the lower‐left. A password‐protected conference bridge is shown below.
Conference bridges are custom pre‐defined extensions that any number of users can call to
**Please note that Fonality Small Office does not include any conference bridges. However,
Fonality Enterprise includes 3 Conference Bridges at extensions 8505, 8506, and 8507, and Fonality
Call Center includes 5 Conference Bridges at extensions 8505, 8506, 8507, 8508, and 8509.**
FIGURE 6.7.1: The Conference Bridge feature in the Admin Panel