Dell DVS Simplified Appliance Reference Architecture
High Availability
DVS Simplified Appliance Resiliency
In the event of a server failure, VDI-in-a-Box provides built-in high-availability without
requiring shared storage. The grid architecture maintains fault-tolerance via redundancy
so that if any server on the grid fails others can pick-up the workload. These multiple grid
servers can be linked together to automatically provide this high availability as well as the
brokering and load management of all the connections across the grid.
Users connected to desktops hosted on a failed server will lose their desktop connection.
When users re-login to connect to their desktop, the system will re-authenticate the user
and will attempt to connect the user to a new desktop running on a live server. Upon
logon, the system automatically migrates the workload to an active server on the grid. To
avoid data loss, network file sharing is recommended. Additionally, in instances where
data is mission critical, additional HA protection solutions may be implemented.
In order to accomplish the scenario described above, the solution uses an N+1 model
with hot sparing. This means the server infrastructure must be designed to include a
“spare” server to support failover. For proper set up, the infrastructure must include
servers to accommodate all required desktops for the organization, plus one additional
server that is equal in capacity to the largest server in the grid for high availability usage.
Regardless of deployment size only one (1) extra server is required for failover.