7. Check the PSNT label at the rear of the chassis.
Figure 30 Location of serial number tag
8. Repeat these steps to install the second node.
Mount the cable management assembly
A cable management assembly (CMA), for organization of cables at the rear of the
system, is already installed onto the DD9500/DD9800 system on a Data Domain rack.
For field installed systems, the CMA is shipped separately.
For non-Data Domain racks, it is acceptable to use the cable management products
provided by the rack vendor.
Install the Data Domain cable management assembly (CMA)
1. Take out the cable management assembly (CMA) from its packaging.
2. Locate the two blue knobs (on the left and right sides of the CMA) in the back
which you will need to pull away from the side of the CMA brackets to install
the CMA in the rack.
Install the System in the Rack
Mount the cable management assembly