Performance screen options
Multi Core
This field specifies whether the process has one or all cores enabled. The performance of some applications
improve with the additional cores. This option is enabled by default. Allows you to enable or disable multi-core
support for the processor. The installed processor supports two cores. If you enable Multi Core Support, two
cores are enabled. If you disable Multi Core Support, one core is enabled.
All (enabled by default)
Intel SpeedStep
Allows you to enable or disable the Intel SpeedStep feature.
Enable Intel SpeedStep
Default setting: The option is enabled.
C-States Control
Allows you to enable or disable the additional processor sleep states.
C states
Default setting: The option is enabled.
Intel TurboBoost
Allows you to enable or disable the Intel TurboBoost mode of the processor.
Enable Intel TurboBoost (default)
Power Management screen options
AC Recovery
Allows you to enable or disable the computer from turning on automatically when an AC adapter is connected.
Power Off (default)
Power On
Last Power State
Enable Intel Speed
Shift Technology
This option is used to enable or disable the Intel speed shift technology support. The option is enabled by default.
Auto On Time
Allows you to set the time at which the computer must turn on automatically. The options are:
Every Day
Select Days
Default setting: Disabled
Deep Sleep
Allows you to aggressive the system is at conserving power while Shut down (S5) or in Hybernate (S4) mode.
Disabled (default)
Enabled in S5 only
Enabled in S4 and S5
USB Wake
Allows you to enable USB devices to wake the system from Standby.
This feature is only functional when the AC power adapter is connected. If the AC power
adapter is removed during Standby, the system setup removes power from all the USB ports to
conserve battery power.
Enable USB Wake Support
Default setting: The option is enabled..
System setup