Steam cooking
Steam cooking is recognized by doctors
and dieticians as being THE healthiest
cooking method. No need to add fat
and the possibility to preserve all the
nutritional value of the food.
Minerals, vitamins, oligo-elements,
enzymes… all the nutritional advantages
of food are better preserved, as well as
their colour and their consistence. With
regard to meat, the steam cooking is
appreciated to dissolve the animal fat
without burning it.
The water steam makes the food
sweat. This sweating allows to remove
impurities, pesticides and saturated fat
acids. Without the toxins and harmful fat,
food will be more digest and far better for
your health.
You will notice that, at the end of a cycle,
the water is coloured. This indicates
that cooking, even with so called soft
steam, eliminates the uninteresting
components of food. This way, the steam
offers an “intelligent” cooking. Careful, it
is strongly discouraged to consume the
water of steam cooking.
Just as in a sauna, the steam cooker
provides a detox effect for your food.
With steam it is impossible to mess up
a dish: the soft steam cooking avoids
burning your dishes since there is no fire
to watch! Therefore, you are free to do
whatever you please while waiting for
the timer to invite you to sit down at the
Steam cooking allows to cook different
food side by side, without mixing odour
or flavour. Therefore, you can cook your
codfish and start the baking of your
chocolate cake together. Try it out, you
will be blown away!
Steam cooking has been used for more than 6000 years in China. For us, this ancestral method came back
on the front stage in the beginning of the century. A general feeling of sick and tired of bad eating habits and
above all a consciousness-raising led to a (re)adoption of healthier food!