Object has Open- and Close inputs and withdrawable object has In- and Out inputs. Object Ready- and external Synchrocheck
permission have status inputs as well. Digital inputs, Logical inputs or outputs, stage starting- tripping- or blocking, RTDs and
object status information can be used to indicate the status.
Object open- and close signals of an object are connected to physical output relays.
Separate timeouts for objects are set in Settings menu. Synchronization wait- and Object Ready wait timeouts are settable
between 0.02…500.00 s (default 200ms, step 20ms). If time expires the controlling of object fails. Same time settings apply with
Maximum close- and open command pulse lengths. Control Termination Timeout is set to 10 seconds as default. After the set
delay if the controlled object does not respond accordingly the procedure is terminated and there will be fail message.
Access level for MIMIC control is selected between User, Operator, Configurator and Super user. To control MIMIC the terms of
user access level (password) has to be fulfilled. As default the access level is set to Configurator.
For object local and remote controlling digital inputs can be used. Remote controlling via bus is configured in protocol level.
Figure 3.25
Object output- and block signal setting.
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