SCAN MODE continued...
2. If the camera detects sound above the desired sound trigger level, the monitor will beep and will display video and
sound from your monitoring location. The Channel 1 or Channel 2 indicator light will also turn on to let you know
where your video is coming from
3. To return back to scanning with a blank screen and no audio, press the SCAN button again.
IF USING TWO CAMERAS: After sending an audio alert to the monitor, video from
that specific camera will be displayed on screen. The monitor will then beep every
time the camera detects noise above the preset sound trigger level. After a four
second period with no audio disturbance, the monitor will then cycle back and
forth between both cameras and display video and audio on the monitor. This
switch will occur every four seconds.
Note: Two cameras are required to operate in Auto mode. If you place the system
into Auto mode when there is only one camera, the system will not function prop-
erly. If you only have one camera installed, use SCAN or Manual mode for effective
Pressing the A button places the system in Auto mode. While in Auto mode the
system will scan between both channels at a set dwell/cycle time (time to switch
between cameras). The default is four seconds, but can be adjusted to a specific
time between 2-30 seconds. For more information on changing the cycle/dwell
time, see “Changing the Cycle/Dwell Time in Auto Mode”.
In Auto mode, the monitor will cycle through video and audio from both cameras
on your LCD monitor. Auto mode also alerts you with a beep if any loud sounds
occur in the area you are monitoring.