6. Before installation
Read the installation manual carefully before installing homeCLU.
To be assessed before installation:
• Number of charge points
• Main inlet fuse size
• Preferred total charging current per phase
• Available charging current for each charging point
• Distribution network at inlet: TN netowrk or IT network (only Norway)
• Single-phase or three-phase charging
• Identify and label the phases on the power line in at the main inlet fuse
• Plan for a connection pattern. Find corresponding phase(s) between the inlet
fuse and the charge point(s). The charge points need unique addresses
NB! The system will not work as intended if the phases do not correspond!
• Make sure the supply power is switched off during the entire installation
7. Phase connection pattern
Create a true phase rotation in the distributed circuits, one step per each charge point, as
shown in the installation diagrams. See separate document. By using a connection pattern
with true phase rotation, the system ensures an even load distribution among the phases.
This is important for single-phase charging, and for three-phase charging in cases where
single-phase vehicles are connected. PE-wiring is intentionally not shown in any of the
installation diagrams.