Technical measures: ventilation
Precautions to be taken:
No smoking.
Prevent the build-up of electrostatic charges.
Work in a well ventilated place.
Personal protection
Respiratory protection:
If ventilation is insufficient: AX type cartridge mask.
In confined spaces: self-contained breathing apparatus.
Hand protection: protective gloves in leather or nitrile rubber.
Eye protection: safety glasses with side protection.
Skin protection: clothing made principally of cotton
Industrial hygiene: do not drink, eat or smoke at the place of work.
Considerations on dis
Disposal must be done in compliance with prevailing local
and national regulations.
Product waste: consult the manufacturer or the supplier for information on
recovery or recycling.
Soiled packaging: reuse or recycle after decontamination. Destroy in au
thorised installations.
European Regulation No. EC 842/2006: fluorinated greenhouse gases un
der the Kyoto Protocol.
1 Safety
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