Before operating the detector, make sure you have read the Technical Specifications and the User Manual of the PILATUS3
R CdTe 100K-M detector.
7.1. Getting Started
Before switching on:
• Mount the detector head and the detector electronics unit properly.
• Connect the detector electronics unit to ground potential, using the functional ground connector.
• Connect the detector electronics unit to power supply; make sure the power switch is OFF.
• Connect the detector to a nitrogen or dry air source, capable of supplying at least the minimum recommended flow
• Connect the coolant hoses. Make sure they are properly mounted on both sides.
• Set the temperature to 23
C on the thermal stabilization unit and turn it on. If the detector was not at room temperature,
wait until the thermal stabilization unit has reached stable operation.
• Connect the power cable, the local network cable, and the detector data cable to the detector control unit.
7.2. Start-up Procedure
Please use the following start-up procedure:
• Turn on the dry air or nitrogen at least 30 min before turning on the detector. Then turn ON the power switch at the
back of the detector.
• Turn on the detector control unit. Wait at least 5 min before trying to connect.
The detector should now be ready to use.
The software start-up procedure is described in detail in the User Manual.
7.3. Turning Off the Detector
To turn off the detector:
• Turn OFF the detector electronics unit power switch.
• Turn OFF the detector control unit.
• Do not remove the nitrogen/dry air connection. It is a requirement that it is left at the recommended flow rate according
to section 5.4.
PILATUS3 R CdTe 100K-M Technical Specifications v1.0.0
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