Follow the instruc ons below to adjust the depth of the seat:
Remove the “ALS” screws which a ach the front sec on of the “AL” seat to the main frame.
Assess whether, with the new configura on, you also need to remove the central “AK” sec on, to
avoid overlaps. In this case, remove the “AKS” screws
Set the front posi on in the new posi on, following the diagram provided, and reinsert the “ALS”
a achment screws.
Put back the central sec on, if you’ve removed it, s ll following the diagram provided, and reinsert
the “AKS” screws.
If necessary, adjust the ghtness of the wrist straps and the overlap of the extra fabric pieces on the
central sec on.
Standard configura on of the depth of the seat frame
The depth of the standard frame is 420 mm. This configura on allows you to adjust the seat, or base, to fit the
cushion between 340 and 420 mm. It should be emphasised that the curve of the fram is located towards the
rim of the seat, when it has a depth between 380 and 420 mm, and is further away or longer when the depth
of the seat is between 340 and 380 mm. The images below show the standard configura on.
You should note the posi on of the “L” telescopic joints with the “xx” split located towards the bo om, and the
inser on of the “K“ extension between the “J” frame and the “L” joints. The “M” screws a ach the telescopic
joints to the frame and it's important that they’re properly ghtened, so that they contribute to the stability of
the frame. The “N“ screws are solely for a aching the extensions, and for preven ng them from rota ng so
that their upper sec on is free.
Reducing the depth of the seat frame
This op on can only be used when the depth of the seat is adjusted to between 340 and 380 mm.