4.9 Adjus ng the posi on of the footrest
The height, depth and incline of the footrest can be adjusted.
The footrest is supported by two “BB” tubes which are in turn a ached to perforated “CC” plates. Height and
incline adjustments can be made by a aching the support tubes at different heights on the perforated plates. If
necessary, to avoid any interference of the screws with the frame, you can remove the perforated “CC” plates
and carry out external pre-assembly for the footrest and then a ach the assembly to the vices of the frame.
Follow the blown-up image to assemble the footrest properly.
The depth posi on can be adjusted by horizontally moving the vices onto the tubes of the frame.
Unscrew, without removing, the “F4” screws which clamp the a achment vices.
Once the vices have been released, you can horizontally move the footrest to find the ideal posi on.
Once you’ve selected the right posi on, defini vely a ach the vices.