If this adjustment isn't sufficient, you can move the footrest horizontally in rela on to the support tubes.
Unscrew and remove the “F5” screws which a ach the footrest to the “BB” support tubes.
Install the footrest by selec ng a posi on other than flat to the support tubes.
If needed, follow the diagram showing the assembly sequence for the a achment details.
4.10 Adjus ng the an - p wheels
Unscrew, without removing, the “AH” screws which set the height in rela on to the ground for
the an - p wheel.
Li or reduce the castor to suit your preferences.
Securely ghten the “AH” screw.
Calibrate the two castors to the same height in rela on to the ground.
4.11 Adjus ng the thigh a achment strap
Prepara on
The thigh a achment strap is made up of:
A padded strap (A) with 2 buckles (B),
A mobile buckle (C),
An a achment strap (D).
Prepare the strap by bringing together both sec ons “A” and “D” to obtain the desired length
“consider the reference length to be W x 3.25, W being the width of the wheelchair)