KD2 Pro Operator’s Manual
4. The KD2 Pro Utility
How Saved Data Are Organized
Measurement Data from the KD2 Pro is saved in the same
basic format regardless of the file format chosen. You can
choose to download just the summary data or all the measure-
ment data which includes additional information. A descrip-
tion of each type of download follows.
Clicking the Download button or choosing “Download Sum-
mary Data” from the File Menu creates a file with the follow-
ing columns:
• Measurement Time - Date and time when the reading
was taken.
• Sensor - The model number of the sensor used for this
• K (Thermal Conductivity) - as W/(m· k) or BTU/(hr·
ft· °F).
• rho (Thermal Resistivity) - as °C·cm/W or hr· ft· °F/
• C (Specific Heat) - as MJ/(m
· K) or BTU/( °F· ft
Columns for Specific Heat and Thermal Diffusivity are
only included when the downloaded data contains mea-
surements made with SH-1.
• D (Thermal Diffusivity) - as mm
/s or ft
/hr (dual-nee-
dle sensors only).
• Err- Quality of fit of the data to the KD2 Pro theoretical
• Temp(0) - Initial temperature of the sample as °C or °F.
• Sample ID - If saved with the measurement.
• Read Time - as minutes from the start of heating. The
interval between readings is also Read Time (in sec).