KD2 Pro Operator’s Manual
2. KD2 Pro Overview
Thirty seconds are allowed for temperature equilibration
before heating starts, so the entire time for a measurement is
the time set here plus 30 seconds. Sixty temperature readings
are taken during the read time, so the number entered here is
also the number of seconds between temperature readings.
This number is displayed in the upper right corner of the
screen, and is available with each data record after download-
ing. Default read times are 1 minute for the KS-1 sensor, 2
minutes for the SH-1 sensor and 5 minutes for the TR-1 sen-
The longer read time for the TR-1 sensor helps to prevent
errors caused by effects of the large diameter needle and con-
tact resistance between the sensor and the sample in granular
and solid materials. If you wish to measure thermal properties
of a sample with large grains or of a solid sample with a pilot
hole that is significantly larger in diameter than the sensor, it is
best to use the TR-1 needle and configure the read time to the
maximum allowed 10 minutes.
The shorter read time for the KS-1 sensor reduces the amount
of heat input into the sample. This is especially important
with liquid samples where excessive sample heating can cause
errors from free convection (see section on measuring liquid
samples for more details). In low viscosity samples (e.g. water
and aqueous solutions), the KS-1 read time should be config-
ured to the minimum allowed 1 minute.
To set the read time, go to the Read Time menu selection and
press Enter. Arrow down to the probe for which you want to
set the read time and press Enter, Arrow up or down to the
read time you want and press Enter.