4.5.3 Plugged Filter (cont.)
Never blow into filter return lines while the lines are connected to locate a plug.
Never hold your hand over the outlet end of a line. A plug could unexpectedly
release and spray hot oil, causing severe burns.
When checking the filter pump for blockage, turn the power switch to the
Disconnect the tubing from the bottom of the filter pan to the pump return line and try to
blow through it. If air will not flow through, the return line is plugged. Soak the line in hot
water until air can be blown through it.
When the pump return line is clear, reconnect it to the pan and turn the motor switch to "Out"
(or "On"). If oil still does not flow, inspect the bottom of the filter pan for blockages.
Disassemble the filter pan and thoroughly wash the pan in hot, soapy water. Dry thoroughly
before reassembling.
4.5.4 Return Lines
If your system is equipped with a flexible return hose, turn the motor "Off" and disconnect
the hose. Attempt to blow through the hose from the inlet end. If no air will pass through the
hose, then suspect a clog. Soak the hose in hot water to melt the plug.
When soaking a line in hot water, keep both open ends out of the water. If water gets
into the hose, ensure that all traces are removed before filtering hot oil/shortening. Failure to
do so will result in hot oil spattering, increasing the potential for burn injury.
Reconnect the flexible hose and insert the outlet nozzle into the filter pan holster. Turn the
pump switch to "Out" (or "On"). If oil does not flow to the fryer being filtered, then inspect
the return lines between the filter pump and the fry vessel.
If the filter system is configured with one built-in return line, with exits to individual fryers,
turn the filter pump "Off", and close all fryer return valves. Open the return valve closest to
the filter and turn the pump "On". If oil flows, then inspect the next fryer. Continue the
process until the blockage is discovered. When the blockage is located, disassemble that part
of the return line and clean thoroughly. Reassemble the return line and check for blockages.
The "push-pull" filter version utilizes individual return lines from the filter to each fryer.
Check each line for oil flow after inspecting other parts of the filter system. Once the plugged
line is discovered, completely disassemble and clean the line.