De Vielle Fire Front Installation
1. Carefully remove the De Vielle Fire Front
from its packaging.
2. Remove baffle plate using a 13mm
Spanner. (See fig 1.0)
Fig 1.0
3. Insert threaded bar into hole at the rear of
the Fire front. (See fig 1.1)
Fig 1.1
4. Line The De Vielle Fire Front in front of the
opening making sure that it is centred.
Mark the two holes to be drilled on the
bottom making sure that the De Vielle Fire
Front is tight against the inset. (See fig 1.2)
Fig 1.2
5. Remove the De Vielle Fire Front and drill
2 holes in the hearth that were previously
marked 75mm deep. (See fig 1.3)
Fig 1.3
6. Line up the De Vielle Fire Front in front of
the inset again and attach clamping bar
to threaded bar and tighten to inset using
wing nut provided making sure that the
De Vielle Fire Front is sealed completely
around the unit. (See fig 1.4 and 1.5)
Fig 1.4
Fig 1.5
7. Put a screw into each of the pre drilled