Lighting your appliance for the first time
1. Only small fires may be lit for the first 3-4 fires to help with the curing process.
2. Open air wash system approx 50% (Top lever). Open primary air fully (bottom Lever).
(See Fig 1-B)
3. Light fire lighters or loose papers and put dry kindling or peat on top.
4. As the fire establishes add some pieces of solid fuel adjusting the airwash to just 25% open
and adjusting the burn rate using the primary air.
5. Certain sites may need increased airflow when being started this can be done by adjusting
the levers on the top, bottom accordingly as in steps 1 and 4.
6. The De Vielle Fire Front is intended as a unit to cut down on fuel consumption not to
generate more heat. Where a back boiler is fitted the De Vielle Fire Front will heat the water
much more efficiently.
7. All installations must be carried out in accordance with the fitting manual. De Vielle cannot
be held liable for faulty workmanship also all installations must be carried out in accordance
with local building regulations.
8. When in use the De Vielle Fire Front Door becomes hot. Use the multi tool provided
(See Fig 1-C) to open and close the door and also adjust the airwash control slider and
primary control slider.
9. It is important to note that there may be an unpleasant odor for the first few fires this is
nothing to be alarmed about it is just part of the curing process.
Fig 1-B
Fig 1-C