Owner’s Manual
live Mode–the pMc16 Monitor Mixer
Live Mode Introduction
Live Mode is the normal operating mode of the PMC16 and is the mode in which the on-
stage musician (or end user) will be in when editing their monitor mix. Live Mode consists
of the four pages within the PMC16’s monitor mixer section, which are: the Meters page,
the Levels page, the Pan page, and the Effects page. These pages are shown in the
following pages of this manual.
When in Live Mode, the navigation and functionality of the PMC16 has been optimized to
provide extremely fast access to the PMC16’s monitor mixer parameters and fast selection
of channels for editing. This is accomplished by effectively creating Groups and using the
Multi-Select feature of the PMC16 (see “Using Multi-Select”). This workflow allows the
user to create their mix extremely efficiently and intuitively.
Mute and solo functions allow the user to focus on specific channels or remove unwanted
elements from the mix.