USB Connection Installation
6. Insert the USB - Mini B connector on the USB connector of the USB data
logger. The connection between the console and the computer can be
extended up to 16' (5 m) using a USB-to-USB connector cable.
Note: Do not attempt to use more than a 16' extension cable, or the data logger may have diffi-
culty communicating with the computer.
7. Check the baud rate setting on the console. The default value for the baud
rate setting is 19200.
Note: If you have a Weather Envoy, do not change this baud rate value in the WeatherLink soft-
ware. The baud rate setting on the console or on the Weather Envoy (always 19200)
must be set the same as the WeatherLink Baud Rate setting. See the WeatherLink online
help for more information.
To display the baud rate settings on a console, make sure the data logger is
installed and then continue using the following procedures:
Enter the console Setup Mode by pressing and holding DONE, then press-
ing the down arrow (-).
Use the BAR and DONE to scroll to the Baud Rate settings screen:
Use the up (+) and down (-) arrows to change the baud rate setting, if needed.
Press and hold DONE to return the console to the current weather mode.
Use the fastest baud rate your modem can handle. 19200 is the fastest baud
rate available and is the default setting on the console.
Press DONE when you have the correct baud rate on the console screen.
Note: The data logger does not require a constant connection with a computer to continue log-
ging and storing data. Although the data logger should remain connected to the console
at all times, the data logger needs to be connected to the computer only when data is
being downloaded or when the computer is actively using data from the data logger. The
data logger and console can be disconnected from the computer if the console is placed
in a location where the data logger cable cannot reach. However, WeatherLink’s bulletin,
summary, or other real-time window displays are accessible only if the console is
attached to the computer.