Communications Problems
7. Click Uninstall to delete the version of the driver.
8. Disconnect the data logger from the computer.
9. Locate and run the PreInstaller.exe file under the WeatherLink directory
(example file directory: C:\WeatherLink\USB_Drivers_4.28x). The new
driver successfully installs itself.
Troubleshooting Guide
The following section answers some of the most commonly asked questions
about WeatherLink. Please consult this guide and the online help files before
contacting Technical Support.
Communications Problems
Why can’t WeatherLink communicate with the data logger and station?
If you are having trouble establishing communication between the weather
station and WeatherLink, start by checking the console's own diagnostics.
Remove all power to the console and restart it by restoring power (with the
data logger still attached).
Note: The data logger uses nonvolatile memory, so any previously recorded data is still stored.
However, put the console in Setup Mode (by pressing and holding DONE, then pressing
the down arrow(-)) before removing power, so that no damage to the data logger occurs.
Three beeps sound from the console, each of which occurs when the
weather station passes one of its diagnostic tests. Each beep follows the
previous after about one second. The first beep notes that the processor is
running. The second beep emits when the data logger is detected (if
installed) and the third beeps for the display. If using a Weather Envoy, two
beeps emit when it passes the first two diagnostic tests.
Note: If you do not hear one or more of these beeps, contact Davis Instruments. Only two
beeps emit if the data logger is not installed.
If the console sends three beeps or the Weather Envoy sends two beeps, See
“Communication Port Settings” on page 13 for instructions on checking
standard port settings. If the port settings or the loop back test process iden-
tifies a serial port other than the one selected in station setup, try connect-
ing to the data logger again.
Check the serial port adapter if using a serial port connection. Use only the
blue serial port adapter supplied with WeatherLink. Older models, or mod-
els not supplied in the WeatherLink connection kit, are not compatible.