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Wireless Weather Station
Silent Operating Mode
Dip switch #4 on the receiver allows you to set the console to either emit audi-
ble warnings or stay silent. In
Silent Mode
, the console does not beep to indicate
problems such as low battery or poor reception. The factory sets Silent Mode
as the default so that the console will warn you when problems occur. When
Silent Mode is
Triple Beep Warns of Transmitter Battery Problem
A triple beep every 10 minutes indicates that the transmitter battery is
extremely low on power. If you hear a triple beep, replace the transmitter
battery as soon as possible to prevent possible loss of data.
Double Beep Warns of Data Reception Problem
A double beep indicates that the SensorLink has not received data for at
least 30 minutes.
Dip switch #4 on the console’s receiver controls Silent Mode (see figure below).
You can set your console to Silent Mode on or off. If you were to power up
your console with dip switch #4 in the “OFF” position (as shown above),
Silent Mode would be off and audible warnings would be on. On the other
hand, if you were to power up your console with the dip switch in the “ON”
position (not shown), Silent Mode would be on and audible warnings
The key is the position of dip switch #4 when you power up the console. Flip-
ping the dip switch
repowering the console will take you in and out of
Test Mode (see below for details), but will not change the Silent Mode setting.
Test Mode
As in the “Testing Proposed Locations” section above, to test signal reception at
any point, simply flip the receiver’s dip switch #4 to the opposite position from
where it was when the console powered up. (You will hear a periodic beep if
the transmitter is within range of the receiver and is also set to Test Mode.)
Therefore, to set the console’s operating mode (Silent Mode on or off), flip dip
switch #4 to the appropriate side and then repower the console. Then, to place
the receiver in Test Mode, simply flip the dip switch to the opposite side.
(Audible Warnings ON)
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