Hook the can and bring the ring up to the boat to allow the second crew to thread the ring with the line.
Release the hold with the boat hook. If your mooring line is led out the starboard chock bring the end of the
line back through the port side. You will essentially create a bridle with about 10 feet of slack from the
chalk to the can.
The BARBECUE and MOUNTING BRACKET are stored on flybridge in place.
Attach a PROPANE BOTTLE found in the cockpit to the REGULATOR on the side of the grill. Carefully
light the unit, preferably with a long-stem butane lighter. The barbecue generates a lot of heat and cooks hot
and fast. Please wipe with a paper towel before storing to prevent grease and dirt soiling the boat..
Note: Propane bottles are not stocked by AYC. You will need to purchase one if extras are not found on
board. Caution -- For safety reasons, do not store an opened propane bottle within the salon or engine
compartment. Chances are these will leak slightly once opened and propane gas could settle into low
spaces. Ensure gasoline and flammable materials are not near the barbecue.
Your Genesis DINGHY with a 8 hp Honda engine is stored on the upper deck.
To deploy the dinghy, clip the snap clip of the DINGHY ROPE to the top of the rail near the oarlock, and
route the line through the pulley block on the bridge ladder, then the pulley block on the line. Holding the
dinghy and the line, detach the STANDOFF BARS, and lower the dinghy with the line into the water, noting
that the dinghy gets heavier as it nears the water.
When towing your dinghy, always keep it tight to the boat any time that you slow down or stop, Assign one
of your crew members as the “dinghy” person to be responsible for taking up slack. You don’t want to wrap
a propeller.
Coast Guard regulations state that any child 14 and under must wear a life jacket in a dinghy. It is a good
idea for EVERYONE to follow this rule.
Always check the fishing and crabbing requirements before you leave on your cruise. You will need a
license. Many areas are CLOSED to crabbing and fishing on certain months.
CRAB AWAY FROM THE BOAT! Lines can get wrapped around props. Fish-flavored cat food with the
pop-up ringed lids work the best for a nice neat way to bait the ring. After 15-20 minutes, retrieve the crab
line and ring quickly. Keep the male crabs of proper size (usually 6 ¼ inches across the carapace). Boil
crabs about 12 minutes to cook.
After using, wash equipment thoroughly with fresh water (available from the cockpit shower faucet).
Note -
- Please do not store wet rings and gear inside the boat.