PSM-500/500L/500LT SCPC Satellite Modem
PSM-500/500L/500LT - Rev. 0.91
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Chapter 1 - PSM-500 Modem Description
1.0 Introduction
The Datum Systems’ PSM-500 Series are multi modulation mode VSAT/SCPC Satellite Modems.
They are capable of BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, 8PSK, 8QAM and 16QAM modulation modes on
transmit and receive independently Their main use is as part of the transmitting and receiving
ground equipment in a satellite communications system. The PSM-500 series uses the latest Digital
Signal Processing (DSP) technology and proprietary techniques to provide unsurpassed
performance at a low cost.
The PSM-500 series is available in 4 IF versions with 3 upgradeable “feature sets” in each. The
matrix below shows the current IF versions available or planned, and the matrix in Section 1.1.2 on
the next page shows the feature sets available. Note that the terms PSM-500S and N are not
normally used except to differentiate between different IF versions.
PSM-500 Series IF Interface Versions.
IF Transmit 50 ~ 90 MHz 100 ~ 180 MHz 950 ~ 1750 MHz
950 ~ 1750 MHz
IF Receive
50 ~ 90 MHz 100 ~ 180 MHz 950 ~ 1900 MHz
950 ~ 1900 MHz
The PSM-500 with a standard 70 (or 140) MHz IF is the first member of Datum Systems’ M500
Class Modem products, representing a major extension to our fifth generation of innovative design
concepts proven and refined over ten years of production. The PSM-500L is the second, utilizing L-
Band frequencies for both the Transmit and Receive IF, it creates the ability to build extremely
simple and low cost high performance VSATs All M500 class products encompass significant
performance improvement over previous modems at reduced cost. The PSM-500LT is the third,
providing an integrated BUC power supply.
The modem is designed for service in varied types of satellite systems. Either SCPC systems where
two modems are set for continuous operation with each other, or shared resource systems where
modem carriers are not continuous in nature, such as DAMA networks, where outgoing signals from
the modem can be operated in an extremely fast acquisition mode.
The modem is designed to be easily integrated into either a master or remote station via rack
mounting. A highly integrated design allows the PSM-500 to be built into a one rack unit (1 RU,
1.75”) high mounting case, using minimal power for dense applications. The modem is an integral
part of a satellite earth station’s equipment operating between the Data Terminal Equipment and the
station Up and Downconverter equipment.
1.0.1 How to Use This Manual
This manual provides Installation, Operating and Maintenance procedures for the PSM-500 Satellite
Modem and available options at the time of printing.
This manual is an integral part of the modem and is used to explain the installation and operating
procedures for the PSM-500 and present its capabilities and specifications. The manual is divided
into 4 Chapters with Appendices. The 4 Chapters are the Modem Description, Installation, Operation
and Maintenance. The Appendices include the Specifications, Remote Control Protocol and gives
further information on Options, Cabling and information related to placing the Modem in service.
The divisions of the manual are intended for use by personnel to answer questions in general areas.
Planners and potential purchasers may read the Introduction and Specifications to determine the
suitability of the modem to its intended use; Installers should read the Installation Chapter and the