Pressure Module, M-P and Pressure Temp Module, M-PT
Document No. 800 1013-1
Enter the service menu:
Monitor Setup
- Install/Service
(password 16-4-34)
- Service -
(password 26-23-8)
Take down the information regarding module software by selecting SCROLL VERS and turning
the ComWheel.
Enter the P/PT service menu (according to the tested module):
Parameters - P/PT
Check that the “Timeouts”, “Bad checksums” and “Bad c-s by mod” values are not increasing
faster than by 50 per second. Check also that the module memories have passed the internal
memory test, i.e. the “RAM”, “ROM” and “EEPROM” show all OK.
Invasive blood pressure measurement
Check the front panel membrane key.
Press the key at least for one second. Check that the pressed key is identified, i.e. the text for
“Button” changes from OFF to ON in the service menu.
Check that the “Cable” and “Probe” show OFF.
Plug a cable with an invasive blood pressure transducer into the front panel connector P3.
Check that the “Cable” and “Probe” show ON and the pressure
waveform field appears onto the monitor screen..
NOTE: Test both invasive blood pressure channels with M-PP.
Calibrate the InvBP channel according to the instructions in the Technical Reference
Check that the module configuration is correct with P and PT modules.
The configuration in use is shown beside the text “Configuration” in the service menu and it
can be either BP or PT.
Change the configuration in the CALIBRATIONS -menu, if necessary.
Check the InvBP channels with a patient simulator