3.1. General description of the LP-50
The LP-50 is a thermal printer designed to print small sized labels and
graphics on thermo-sensitive paper. It is particularly useful when printing
information, arranged in a template form, which has to be partially modified
under customer demand.
The memory of the printer contains a command file which stores data
for the arrangement and design of the separate graphic elements, easing
your work considerably when you have to print a greater number of labels.
On the other hand it supports the PCX format and gives you the opportunity
to design the graphics of parts of the label with an appropriate program
under Windows and store it in the memory of the printer in advance. The
built-in 6 matrix fonts with different sizes, as well as the freely selectable
option for additional scaling and rotation, gives you greater freedom in
designing the inscriptions on your labels. If those fonts do not satisfy your
requirements you are free to load additional fonts in the memory of the
The device may be used to print information from Windows (Word,
Notepad or other programs) after the installation of the necessary driver.
In conclusion, the LP-50 offers fast and flexible printing at a quality
which is very similar to that of most contemporary laser printers (printing
density - 203 dpi).
3.2. Operating the printer
The functions of the printer are controlled by commands, sent via a
serial interface. It is able to maintain 7 baud rates set up by adjusting the
configuration keys: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200
bps, 8 bits, no parity bit. The printer uses a hardware protocol, which
permits its direct control under DOS but can also support Xon/Xoff protocol.
Each printer command consists of one line of text ending with a LF
(0Ah). Commands are made up of one or two letters followed by a different
number of parameters divided by a comma. Intervals MUST NOT BE
ENTERED in these commands – this will be treated as syntax error.