enumerate exactly the same, as a general rule the lower numbered COM port is for Wireless Bridge
configuration. The higher numbered COM port can be used to transmit or receive data over the USB
LED Indication
The wireless bridge has four LEDS for indication. The Blue Power LED is lit any time the Wireless Bridge is
properly powered. A green TX LED and a yellow RX LEDs indicate activity on the serial port of the device.
They do not necessarily reflect all activity that may be occurring over the air as they will only blink when
a properly addressed data packet is received. The Special function LED is lit when the USB port is in use.
Data Formats and Baud Rates
Since the ADIO Wireless Bridge only communicates with a computer through the micro USB COM port,
baud rate is not a parameter that needs changed for most use cases. The default baud rate and data
format is 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit. The baud rate and data format can be
adjusted by adjusting the BD and NB parameter of the radio module (See the Changing the Baud Rate
section). Baud rates can be set from 1200 to 115200 bps. If the data of the sending or receiving devices
do not correspond with the data settings of the Wireless Bridge then the output data will be appear