Each recorded filename contains the base name, date, time, an automatically
incrementing 3-digit number, and file type, using the following naming convention:
Note: Blank spaces are not supported in the base name. Use underscores in place
of blank spaces. For example, enter
instead of
as the base name for the file.
USB or SD card:
When recording to a USB device or SD card, enter the folder(s) on
the recording device to which you want to record, if applicable, followed by the base
name. For example, if you want to name your file
, and save the file in a
folder named
that is contained within another folder named
on the root
directory, enter
. If you want to save the file in the media
device’s root directory, simply enter
Use this option to record your input source to a shared folder on the
network. The method for entering the path and filename depends on the operating
system of the computer that contains the shared folder.
When recording to a shared folder that is on the Windows system on
the network, you must enter the IP address of the location on the network to
which you want to record, followed by the shared folder name, and then the
base name for the file in the following format:
//IP address/shared folder
For example, if you want to name your file
, and save the file to a shared
folder named
that is located on a network computer with an IP address of
, enter
Note: If the network destination has a firewall, it must be disabled in order to
record to the network location.
Mac OS X Yosemite:
When recording to a shared folder that is on the Mac OS X
Yosemite system on the network, the folder to which you want to save the file
must be shared using the Network File System (NFS) file-sharing protocol. For
information on sharing a Mac OS X Yosemite folder, see “Appendix 4, Sharing a
Mac OS X Yosemite folder using NFS protocol”.
Note: Shared folders that use a file-sharing protocol other than NFS are not
supported with the NVS-30 for recording.