Five error messages are added which are shown as following. When the error status is
detected by the MCU-400, the error message will be shown on the LCD. For all error
messages, the “cam no detect” is the only one that can be restored. For all of the other error
messages, it is a must for users to power-off the MCU-400 at first and then power-on the
MCU-400 after the issue is solved. (For example, reset the IP address of the BC-100 by the IP
configuration software or upgrade the BC-100 firmware).
a. “Cam no detect”
It means that the camera can not be detected by the MCU-400.
b. “IP not support”
It means that the IP address is not supported.
c. “IP conflict”
It means that there is an IP confliction between two cameras.
d. “Cam fw not support”
The BC-100 firmware version is not supported.
e. “Model not Support”
It means that the connected camera is not the BC-100 camera.
Please pay attention that when the parameter is adjusted, the parameter that is adjusted by
the MCU-400 can not be synchronized to the BC-100 App.
The MCU-400 will detect the IP address of the connected BC-100 cameras automatically to
see whether there is any IP address conflict or unsupported IP address existed. If the above-
mentioned situation happens, it is a must for users to use Datavideo DVIP Net Config
software to modify the IP address manually and then it can be operated normally.