IntroductIon 3
WAtcHPAX 40 is a dedicated media server with four displayPort video outputs and a built-in dataton
WAtcHout license. the server is designed solely with WAtcHout shows in mind and offers built-in
EdId, as well as smart restore/reset.
WAtcHPAX 40 is a locked-down unit, preconfigured for playback of WAtcHout shows only.
Multiple units can be installed together in a rig or combined with dataton’s other media servers.
WAtcHPAX 40 weighs just under 3 kg and is a handy lettersize format making it easy to transport.
other practical details include rubber bumpers, Kensington security slot and a strap handle for
two units may also be mounted together and then installed in a 19-inch rack.
dataton WAtcHout is the leading multi-display production and playback software. use
WAtcHout to orchestrate images, video, lighting, 3d and interactivity into a single impressive show.
the essential components of a WAtcHout show are the software, media servers (such as
WAtcHPAX 40) and display devices (projectors, LEd displays, etc), running on a standard network.
In an operational setup, a WAtcHout license key is required for the production computer running
the show and each media server. All dataton-branded media servers, including the WAtcHPAX 40,
have the license key built in.
WAtcHout shows can be presented with multiple projectors for large, seamless images or used with
monitors, LEd walls or other creative screen arrangements. WAtcHout also has a strong set of pro-
jection and pixel-mapping features for applying content to complex three-dimensional objects.
download WAtcHout for free from the dataton website: