InstallatIon and operatIon 13
to remove unused files from the WatCHpaX unit, open WatCHoUt on the production computer on
the network. Go to the stage menu, as below:
Stage > Manage Display Computer > Delete Other Shows
this deletes files from online display computers for all shows, with the exception of the current (open)
WatCHoUt usually manages the cached data associated with the current (open) show automatically.
this ensures that the files stored on your WatCHpaX 40 reflect the latest version of the show.
If the files on the WatCHpaX 40 have been corrupted in some way, you may want to force the show
cache to rebuild.
open WatCHoUt on the production computer on the network. Go to the stage menu, as below:
Stage > Manage Display Computer > Re-build Show Cache
this removes and rebuilds all cached data associated with the current show.