Revision No. 005 August 2020
DataRemote 2020
Testing Fire Alarm communication over DataRemote's DRI-9080 device.
Fire Panel confirmation:
• Walk back to the Fire Alarm Panel to verify that the panel cleared the trouble condition.
• If both test calls above completed successfully and the trouble condition cleared, then
proceed to call alarm vendor next.
• If testing was unsuccessful on either line, then:
Verify the DataRemote DRI-
9080 device’s phone ports are still providing dial-tone and
allowing outbound calls to be made.
Verify cabling connections to/from Alarm Panel & DataRemote DRI-9080 device.
Call your Installation Support Team to assist in troubleshooting
Call fire alarm vendor to confirm they show the error and that it has been cleared:
• Have New DataRemote DRI-9080 device TN's recorded in your checklist handy to give to alarm
vendor when calling, as well as store name and location number.
• Confirm the fire alarm vendor is receiving the new DataRemote DRI-9080 device’s 2 phone
ports used. Telephone numbers recorded in your checklist against
the respective primary &
secondary line trouble calls they received/logged in their monitoring system.
Call Install Verification line to confirm that communication through the DataRemote DRI-9080
device was successful.
7. Cleanup area, dress any cables needed then take photos of installation as required in below
“Deliverables” section.
Confirm the LEDs of the 2 phone ports used for alarm are all solid green (if blinking, it may be
making a call so just wait for it to go solid again). Lights should be solid green for ports configured
for alarm panel; capture picture of their status
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