R-IN 1300 MC User Manual – Rev
41 (50)
8 T
The noise-meter function only works in TableTop-Mode with ISO-15693 technology.
It is therefore possible that your current configuration needs to be modified. It is recommended to
save your current configuration into a file on your PC, to restore the default configuration on the
reader, perform the needed measurements and in case reload your specific configuration.
To start the noise floor (NF) estimation press the Start NF button. The value in the gray box starts to
be updated in real time and the coloured box changes its colour in real time (green, yellow or red)
according to the estimated noise. Please note that during this phase no tag must be in the magnetic
field of the antenna.
To stop the NF measurement, press the STOP NF button. The average value is computed and
depicted in the coloured box.
Once the noise floor is available, it is possible to compute the signal to noise ratio (SNR).
To start the SNR measure, press the Start SNR button and place only one ISO-15693 tag in the
magnetic field of the antenna. In the gray box appears the estimated real time value. To stop, press
the Stop SNR button.
ARM: 4.0.0 / DSP 2.1.4
Type: MC