Printer Manager
In the Please Log In section, select a Username that matches your job responsibility and enter
a password (if required). Refer to
“Printer Manager User Access Levels”
for a
description of the user access levels.
Click Log In to display the Printer Manager Welcome page.
& T
If the browser cannot connect to the printer, make sure that Ready displays on the LCD panel
of the printer.
Some Printer Manager pages feature hover text that displays help information when the
cursor hovers over the setting in the description column.
Printer Manager Settings
The printer is shipped with recommended settings in Printer Manager. You may need to change
these settings to customize the printer for your site. Printer Manager provides access to the
printer settings.
Many of the Printer Manager menu options display the Set Current and Restore Default buttons.
Set Current saves any changed settings on the displayed page. When you change a value and
click Set Current, the printer uses the new settings until the default values are restored. If you
exit a page without clicking Set Current, your changes are not applied.
Restore Default restores the default settings to the values on the displayed page.
If you enter a value outside the allowed range for a setting, the settings are not
updated and a message displays asking you to correct your entry.