G 3 2 0 M i c r o I n v e r t e r
U s e r M a n u a l
G 3 2 0 + 1 T c a b l e U s e r
Manuals-non monitoring system(for BD use)-08023
© 2 0 1 6 D a r f o n E l e c t r o n i c s C o r p .
p . 9 / 1 4
Correct AC grounding and short circuit protection must be provided to ensure
operational safety.
Step 6: Connect the 1T AC trunk cable
Connect the 1T AC trunk cable (with BMC cap) to another 1T AC trunk cable.
Ensure the connection is secure and locked into place by listening to “click”
sounds when both lock pins are fully inserted.
Correct AC grounding and short circuit protection must be provided to ensure
operational safety.
Repeat for all 1T AC trunk cable in the AC branch circuit.
After connect all 1T AC trunk cables, please use the BMC end cap-male to
connect the left side of 1T AC trunk cable. Please ensure the connection is
secure and locked into place by listening to “click” sounds when both lock
pins are fully inserted.
Step 7: Terminate the Unused End of the AC Trunk Cable
Strip 10mm (about 0.5in) of the outer sheath from the end of the AC trunk
Each end cap has four parts: the sealing nut, clamp ring, seal and cap. Slide
the sealing nut, clamp ring and then the seal onto the AC trunk cable.