G 3 2 0 M i c r o I n v e r t e r
U s e r M a n u a l
G 3 2 0 + 1 T c a b l e U s e r
Manuals-non monitoring system(for BD use)-08023
© 2 0 1 6 D a r f o n E l e c t r o n i c s C o r p .
p . 1 0 / 1 4
Insert the individual wires into the slots inside the cap of the end cap.
Screw the hex nut onto the cap. Use a wrench to ensure the hex nut is
screwed in all the way to the base of the cap.
Ensure the AC trunk cable and end cap do not touch the roof by using cable
clips or tie wraps to attach the trunk cable to the PV racking. Ensure that all
cabling is located underneath the PV module.
Step 8: Connect the AC Junction Box
Connect the AC trunk cable to the AC junction box using the appropriate gland or
strain relief fitting. The AC trunk cable requires a strain relief connector with an
opening of 1.6 cm (0.6 in) in diameter.
The wires in the AC trunk cable are identified by color: L1 is sheathed in Black, L2
is sheathed in Red, Neutral is sheathed in White and Ground is sheathed in Green.
Note the Neutral/White wire is unused.
Although the AC trunk cable includes a grounding wire, the continuous grounding
conductor or grounding washers is still required.
Step 9: Connect the PV Modules
Mount the PV modules above the micro inverters, and then connect each micro
inverter to a PV module. (The micro inverter and PV module’s DC cables have two
connectors. Connect the micro inverter positive connector to the PV module
negative connector, and vice versa.)
Micro inverters and PV modules are installed using a one to one ratio.
Service/changes to your electrical system should be carried out only by
qualified electricians. Do not attempt to repair this product; it does not contain
user-serviceable parts. Repairs and internal servicing should only be performed
by authorized service personnel.
Commissioning and Operating
Turn on the AC disconnect or the circuit breaker for each micro inverter
AC branch circuit.
Turn on the main utility-grid AC circuit breaker. Your system will start
producing power after five minutes.
Register PV system on Darfon Solar Portal. (Monitoring System - Optional).
Depending on the strength of the signal, it can take up to 2 hours before
the monitoring system detects all the micro inverters in the PV system.
LED Status
Possible Reason
Power Status LED
Solid Green
Generate Operating normally
Flashing Green Prepare
Initialization, restart
Flashing Red
Solid Red
GFDI activated
Off (at daytime) Fail
Dead or no PV input
Solid Blue
Operating normally
Flashing Blue
Communicating data
Off (at daytime) Fail
Dead or no PV input
GFDI Fault
GFDI fault is defined as an unintentional, electrically conducting connection
between an ungrounded conductor of an electrical circuit and the normally
non-current-carrying conductors, metallic enclosures, metallic raceways, metallic
equipment or earth. When a Ground fault occurs, the GFDI will trigger the LED
light to show continuous Red, and the micro inverter will automatically
disconnect all conductors as a safety precaution.
If the GFDI has detected a ground fault, please contact with the installer and
follow the Operation Manual to clear this condition. Or you can contact Darfon
customer support at