G 3 2 0 M i c r o I n v e r t e r
U s e r M a n u a l
G 3 2 0 + 1 T c a b l e U s e r
Manuals-non monitoring system(for BD use)-08023
© 2 0 1 6 D a r f o n E l e c t r o n i c s C o r p .
p . 8 / 1 4
The following sections list steps on how to install the G320 micro inverter onto
standard PV racking.
Installing onto a PV Racking System
Step 1: Measure the AC Service at the Site
Measure service entrance conductors to
confirm AC service at the site. Verify the AC
voltages at the electrical utility connection
and at the junction box for each AC branch
circuit are within the ranges.
Step 2: Install the AC Branch Circuit Junction Box
Mount the adapter plate to a
suitable location on the PV
racking system (typically at the
end of a row of modules). The
adapter plate must be installed
with an appropriate junction
Connect the open wire end of the AC
interconnect cable into the junction
box using an appropriate gland or
strain relief fitting. The AC
interconnect cable requires a strain
relief connector with an opening of
3/8 inches in diameter.
Step 3: Lay Out the AC Trunk Cable
Place the AC trunk cable at the required location. Align the T-branch connector to
the position where the micro inverter will be installed. Then secure the cable on
either side of the rack using cable clips or tie wraps.
Note the maximum pitch distance is 1050mm when modules are in portrait mode
and 1700mm when in landscape mode.
Step 4: Attach the Micro Inverter to the PV Racking
Note the approximate centers of each PV module on the PV racking.
Evaluate the location of the micro inverter against potential collection of
moisture or water.
Evaluate the location of the micro inverter with respect to the DC junction
box and the PV module frame.
Align the G320 so that the holes on the mounting bracket are above the slot
opening on the PV racking and secure the micro inverter to the PV racking
with screws.
Ensure that the inverter does not obstruct the PV module frame or
stiffening braces. Ensure the micro inverter’s AC connector can easily reach the
T-branch connector.
Step 5: Ground the Micro Inverters
[Option 1]: Integrated Grounding. Go to step 6. No additional grounding is
[Option 2]: GEC Grounding. Unscrew the
top of grounding clips on the micro
inverters. Run the grounding electrode
conductor to each grounding clip on the
micro inverter and then to the junction
box. After laying out the grounding
conductor, secure the top of the
grounding clips back onto the micro
Wire Connection
240V (Single Phase)
L1 to L2
211 to 264VAC
L1 to neutral
106 to 132VAC
L2 to neutral
106 to 132VAC