MT-4E VHF & UHF Receiver & Transmitter Instruction Manual
Radio System Configurations
analoG FIxEd (BaSE) StatIon IntERFaCE
The MT-4E series receivers and transmitters may be configured in a fixed (or base) station
configuration with an analog interface. An Audio Control Card or Base Controller is added to the
system for E&M control. For tone remote control of the system, a Tone Remote Adapter is added to
the system along with the base controller. The audio control card or the base controller will also allow
for repeat capability of the system using analog audio as the repeat path.
The base controller is used for system control of encryption and decryption of the P25 Digital voice
messages. Optional decryption or encryption modules are required in the receiver and transmitter
dIGItal FIxEd (BaSE) StatIon IntERFaCE
The MT-4E series receivers and transmitters may be configured in a fixed (or base) station
configuration with a digital interface. A universal interface card (UIC) is added to the system for
Ethernet control.