MT-4E VHF & UHF Receiver & Transmitter Instruction Manual
Specification Data Sheets
700 / 800 MHz RECEIvER
Frequency Range:
768–776 MHz, 798–824 MHz, 851–869 MHz
Channel Spacing:
12.5 and 25 kHz
Channel Selection:
6.25 kHz
Number of Channels:
Preset capability for 2 banks of 16 channels
Channel Switching Range:
MT-3 and MT-4 Series Radio Systems; P25 interoperable*
System Impedance:
50 Ω (Type-N connector)
Frequency Generation:
Internal Synthesizer
IF Frequency
73.35 MHz
Reference Sensitivity:
≤ -116 dBm (0.35 uV) for 12 dB SINAD
≤ -116 dBm (0.35 uV) for 5 % BER*
Local Oscillator Frequency Stability:
± 0.15 ppm
Adjacent Channel Rejection (Selectivity): Class B:
≥ 40 dB; Narrow Band Analog
≥ 70 dB; Wide Band Analog
≥ 60 dB; Digital*
Intermodulation Rejection:
Class B:
≥ 70 dB; Narrow Band and Wide Band Analog
≥ 70 dB; Digital*
Spurious Response Rejection:
Class B:
≥ 70 dB; Narrow Band and Wide Band Analog
≥ 70 dB; Digital*
Conducted Spurious Output Power:
≥ 80 dBm
Hum and Noise Ratio:
≥ 31 dB; Narrow Band Analog
≥ 37 dB; Wide Band Analog
Audio Output:
600 Ω balanced line output (configurable for unbalanced line);
De-emphasis or Flat output, +3 dBm maximum level
Audio Distortion:
3.0% (25°C);
≤ 5.0% (-30˚C to +60˚C)
Front Panel Controls:
Receiver Power On (Norm) / Off
Squelch Disable (Push button)
Analog and Digital Receive LED indicators
COR Interface:
150 mA, 50 V open drain power MOSFET
Supply Voltage:
+13.8 VDC Nominal (range +10 to +17 VDC) †
+9.5 VDC Regulated
Supply Current:
Class B:
< 200 mA
Operating Temperature Range:
-30°C to +60°C
Operating Humidity:
95% RH (non-condensing) at +25°C
CTCSS Decode:
Programmable to any of 42 CTCSS tones
* P25 Digital specifications are applicable only for modules with the P25 Digital firmware upgrade.
For GSA BPA Contract: GSC-TFMG-BPA-09-002 the following specifications apply:
Supply Voltage range: +10 to +18 VDC