Safety technology: MCB14x Document No.:
Rev.: 06 23 October 2012 Page 13 of 25
By enabling SLS, this ensures the SLS velocity limit (Parameter P303) is always monitored. If the set SLS velocity
is exceeded, then STO is enabled and a fault is displayed (Code 001), just like for SMS. This is also deleted as
soon as it falls below the standstill velocity.
If the Door inputs (terminals 12/13 on MCB140, terminals 13/18 on MCB141) are low (i.e. in the event of an open
separating protective device, for example), then STO is enabled. This behaviour changes if SLS is also enabled.
STO is then disabled and the machine can then be operated up to the SLS velocity. This operation allows the
machine to move at a safely reduced velocity in the event of an open separating protective device, for example.
The safe standstill output SSO (terminal 6 on MCB140, terminal 9 on MCB141) is high if the measured velocity is
always below the set standstill velocity (Parameter P302).