Passive cooling
The user can choose to enable / disable passive cooling regardless of active cooling.
Passive cooling circulates the brine to the ground source. If another heating function has activated the com-
pressor, cooling from the evaporator will be credited in operating mode as "passive cooling".
Active cooling
The user can choose to enable / disable active cooling regardless of passive cooling.
In addition to passive cooling, active cooling will also use the compressor and evaporator to cool. The condens-
er heat that is created from cooling is used to fulfill other demands such as heat, pool, or tap water if possible, if
all demands are fulfilled, then the excess heat will be dumped into the ground source. The compressors RPM
when doing active cooling is controlled in a way that "brine out" has a set point that equals to the estimated
stop temperature for active cooling.
Start/Stop temperature Passive/Active cooling
Start temperature for passive cooling and stop temperature for active cooling is automatically calculated
from the start and stop temperature settings. . Start and Stop temperatures refers to the cooling supply line.
Example. Start temperature = 18°C, Stop temperature = 15°C.
1. Active cooling start (Start temperature cooling)
2. Passive cooling start (Calculated)
3. Active cooling stop (Calculated)
4. Passive cooling stop (Stop temperature cooling)
° C
Installation Guide
Cooling module for domestic heat pump (Genesis platform),
Passive and Passive/Active
Danfoss Heating Solutions