Configuration in the control system
Display description
Start screen
IMPORTANT! Requires Genesis software version 5.0 or later. Please note that a restart of the control system is
required for the installation to establish communication between the heat pump and the Expansion module.
This is indicated by the following icon in the display top bar (the same symbol is used in "Operating mode" in
the display to execute a restart):
To enable cooling control, navigate to “Cooling” in the
“Settings” menu in the display and turn on the
switches for“Enable passive cooling” and "Cooling
with expansion module 2". Set the parameters accord-
ing to the current installation. Confirm settings by
pressing the green tic in the bottom right corner. A re-
start is required.
1. Press
on the Start screen to open the Menu
2. Press
3. Enter the code for installer access: 60,70,80.
4. Press on Settings
5. Press to go to the menu page for cooling.
6. Press on the text Cooling.
7. Enable passive and/or active cooling depending
on what unit the end customer have.
8. Ability to change the seasonal cooling tempera-
ture. Factory settings: 25
9. Confirm settings by pressing
Installation Guide
Cooling module for domestic heat pump (Genesis platform),
Passive and Passive/Active
Danfoss Heating Solutions