1. Start temp. cooling: Set the desired temperature.
(Factory settings: 12
2. Stop temp. cooling: Set the desired temperature.
(Factory settings: 11
3. Ability to change the Minimum gear (Factory set-
tings: 1)
4. Ability to change the Maximum gear (Factory set-
tings: 9)
5. Confirm settings by pressing
1. Press to go to page 1 for cooling.
2. Press the text Cooling - Mixing valve to go to the
mixing valve page.
3. Set the desired setpoint cooling temperature.
(Factory settings: 17
4. Confirm settings by pressing
1. Press to go to page 2 for Mixing valve.
2. These sliders allows you to tune the regulation of
the cooling valve.
3. Confirm settings by pressing
Function during cooling operation
Cooling season integral
In order for Passive and Active cooling to start it is required that the heat pump is in cooling season. This is
determined by the seasonal cooling temperature setting and the outdoor temperature.
These two combined with time creates a cooling season integral. When the integral reaches the start-/stop lim-
it cooling season begins/ends. (From software 5.01)
Start limit cooling season integral: ≥100 (Upper limit: 300)
Stop limit cooling season integral: ≤-100 (Lower limit: -300)
Installation Guide
Cooling module for domestic heat pump (Genesis platform),
Passive and Passive/Active
Danfoss Heating Solutions